Overcoming Natural Disasters

This is the question I've had to ask myself many times during natural disasters just to get by and back to a place of peace and acceptance about moving through all of it with less anger and fear of what’s ahead. At first it feels like trauma by way of forced separation between us and the things that give us comfort. Being forced to release ourselves from our material attachments is probably one of the hardest things because of the precious memories or material attainment they represent. When we rely on material things for comfort, this separation feels like the worst thing in the world. However, having that separation also brings us back to remembering that life itself is a gift and that good health is far more important than any material item we could own. Natural disaster forces us to take stock in our life and clean out what no longer serves us. We regain a newfound freedom in our life when we begin to feel gratitude for simply being alive and rel...