My Reiki Journey - Part 4 Observing Outside Energy
Once I felt like I had mastered my own energy better, and had a better sense of what was and wasn't "mine", it became easier to recognize when things happening in my body were coming from an outside influence. This is truly the most challenging part of energy work- really recognizing and understanding what energy is originating from within or just visiting during certain circumstances. (Did you already read Part 3 - Managing My Own Energy ?) The big question that everyone asks about Reiki is "HOW does it work?!" While science doesn't have a definitive answer to this question yet, I think the answer lies somewhere in the research behind these kinds of questions... How do hugs improve blood pressure ? How does staring into a dog's eyes increase oxytocin levels in the blood? How do women who live in the same house sync their menstrual cycles ? How does quantum entanglement work? At a scientific level, we know that these things are observa...